inApril is committed to QHSE from the design phase to delivery of our products and systems. Systems are designed to ensure safe, reliable and continues operations with minimized human exposure to hazardous situations, through hands-free operations and excellent operability.
We use components with proven track records for reliability, minimizing maintenance and prolonging lifetime of our systems.
Risk management is actively used and key in our designs.
Safe operations
Venator’s automation is fully hands-free and the back deck area can be enclosed and protected from outside environments.
Safe battery management.
Lithium Iron batteries are generally safe, but can represent safety risk in certain situations. Venator can continuously monitors the battery status at all times onboard the vessel and warn the operators of any irregularities in due time for the operator to take the necessary actions and thereby prevent a bigger incident.
No need for workboat operations
Workboat operations has been the cause for several fatalities in seismic operations. Venator type operations require no use of workboats.